Despite the gains made in recent decades, it seems that women are still a minority among professional photographers. However, that doesn’t mean that this relatively small group is homogenous. As this sampling of women photographers’ Instagram feeds shows, they are remarkably diverse.

Here, you’ll see Pulitzer Prize winners and fine artists, commercial work and documentary images, and moments from personal and professional lives. And this is only a tiny slice of what you can find when you browse through Instagram (IG). Please share the Instagram usernames of your favorite women photographers in the Comments section below the article.

Jody Rogac (@jodyrogac) is a photographer on Instgram

Jody Rogac (@jodyrogac)

This photographer, who is based in New York City, shoots striking commercial and editorial work for clients around the world. 

Tekla Evelina Severin (@teklan) is a photographer on Insragram

Tekla Evelina Severin (@teklan)

Severin has studied interior architecture, furniture design, culture geography, and the history of thought. Her career is similarly multidisciplinary, encompassing architecture, installation, art direction, and photography. Visit her IG feed for a pick-me-up better than coffee.

Tanya Habjouqa (@habjouqa) is a woman photographer on Instgram

Tanya Habjouqa (@habjouqa)

Habjouqa takes most of her photos in the Middle East. As you might expect in that troubled part of the world, some of her images have a sobering story behind them, but others are purely joyful, such as this example. 

Jacquelyn Martin (@jacquelynmartin) is a woman photographer on Instagram

Jacquelyn Martin (@jacquelynmartin)

Come for the photos, stay for this AP staff photojournalist’s thoughtful descriptions. Whether it’s documenting Washington, D.C., Ghana, or California, Martin’s IG feed is always worth your time.

Matilde Gattoni (@matildegattoni) is a woman photographer on Instagram

Matilde Gattoni (@matildegattoni)

Gattoni’s work focuses on human rights and climate change. You’ll see that in her IG feed, but you’ll also glimpse moments from her personal life, like this shot of an autumn walk in Milan, Italy.

Ami Vitale (@amivitale) is a photographer on Instagram

Ami Vitale (@amivitale)

Here at Create, we have a major crush on Vitale, a National Geographic photographer. (It all began with this video interview.) Spend a few minutes with her on Instagram and you will, too. 

Stephanie Gonot (@stephaniegonot) is a photographer on Instagram

Stephanie Gonot (@stephaniegonot)

Gonot’s bio says she used to work in an ice cream truck, and once you see her colorful, lighthearted images, you’ll totally believe it.

Holly Pickett (@hollypickettpix) is a photographer on Instagram

Holly Pickett (@hollypickettpix)

Pickett left a small city in the state of Washington, where she was a newspaper photographer, to be a freelance photojournalist in Cairo. Now based in Istanbul, she captures people and events in the Middle East, Central Asia, and Africa. 

Maggie Steber (@maggiesteber) is a photographer on Instagram

Maggie Steber (@maggiesteber)

Steber’s IG feed mixes professional and personal work. She is one of National Geographic Magazine’s Women of Vision. 

Gabriella Demczuk (@gdemczuk) is a photographer on Instagra

Gabriella Demczuk (@gdemczuk)

While this photographer’s work has appeared in many papers and magazines, she shares personal work and some behind-the-scenes snaps in her IG feed.

Lauren DeCicca (@deciccaphoto) is a photographer on Instagram

Lauren DeCicca (@deciccaphoto)

This photographer has a serious mission. From her website: “She's met people dealing with PTSD, drug addiction, displacement and disease, and is struck by the similarity in spirit between these people... It has been a goal of hers to realize and mend this schism through photography”. She captures lighter moments, as well.

Eleanor Macnair (@eleanormacnair) is a photographer on Instagram

Eleanor Macnair (@eleanormacnair)

This one’s a bit of stretch, but I couldn’t resist. Macnair calls herself a “Play-Dohographer” because she recreates photos using the humble modeling clay kids love. For example, the bas relief sculpture you see here is Macnair’s interpretation of an image by Bill Henson.

Olivia Thébaut (@oliviathebaut) is a photographer on Instagram

Olivia Thébaut (@oliviathebaut)

If there’s one Instagram account I wish I could live in, it’s this one. Thébaut is a French photographer and art director (although she took this shot while in Portugal). Le sigh.

Kat Westerman (@katwesterman) is a photographer on Instagram

Kat Westerman (@katwesterman)

This Los Angeles photographer’s IG feed is mostly made up of snapshots, rather than samples of her professional pictures, but it’s no less enjoyable for that. 

Tricia Darling (@triciadarlingphotography) is a photographer on Instagram

Tricia Darling (@triciadarlingphotography)

Darling’s IG feed is largely populated with iPhone shots of urban scenes, though she uses a Canon 6D for her fine art photography. She is based in Hong Kong.

Barbara Davidson (@photospice) is a photographer on Instagram

Barbara Davidson (@photospice)

Davidson, who works for the Los Angeles Times, has won a Pulitzer Prize, and viewing her IG feed is like taking lessons in photojournalism.

Lauren Randolph (@laurenlemon) is a photographer on Instagram

Lauren Randolph (@laurenlemon)

Warning: Viewing these photos may compel you to travel to the same destinations Randolph captures, from Hong Kong to Germany.

November 2, 2015