1. Describe yourself and your work.

I am a very curious and restless person—I think this is the reason for my forays into different artistic disciplines (first photography, and then collage and illustration). But at the same time, I am very calm, and I really enjoy the little things; I like to spend my days working at home, listening to music and cooking.

My work—I think it’s a reflection of my love of surrealism. I find it difficult to describe my work, though I could define it as a personal tribute to women and nature.

2. How did you get started?

I started in photography at the age of 16 thanks to my father, who gave me my first analog camera. Since then I have not stopped taking pictures. A few years after that, I decided to do some experiments with my photos and collage, and I fell completely in love with the cut-and-paste technique. I needed to give another dimension, a more plastic essence, to my photographs, and collage turned out to be the perfect tool for me.

3. Which of your works best represents you and why?

My project Letargo [pieces shown below] is a series of photographs manipulated with collage; I have been working on the series since last year, and to date I have made seven pieces in which I continue to explore a line of thought that has obsessed me since I started with collage: the synergy between woman and nature—which has always been admirably beautiful, and which is also my greatest source of inspiration. One of the things that I like the most is to be able to mix both elements and discover how they fit perfectly, giving rise to organic compositions that conceptually have a common denominator: fragility, beauty, loss of identity, and refuge toward the essential.

4. Can you describe an ideal workday?

An ideal day of work is one in which inspiration is at the top and I am able to develop an art piece in a fluid, fun, and satisfying way. That day has to have a soundtrack (jazz or bossa nova), lots of light, good coffee, and solitude to concentrate in.

5. Where do you think creativity (in general or your own, specifically) comes from?

From flights of fancy. Imagination, as my father says, is the engine of everything. For the work to flow in an authentic and sincere way I need to feel motivated and excited with my projects.

5¼. What book are you currently recommending?

On Ugliness by Umberto Eco

5½. If you could meet any living artist (in any discipline or medium) for coffee and a chat, who would it be?

Annegret Soltau.

5¾. What is your personal motto or slogan?

“Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night.”―Edgar Allan Poe

October 9, 2018