1. Describe yourself and your work.

My work is usually very loud, bold, and somehow different from my very chill real-life personality. It probably has to do with the fact that I get bored easily and love to experiment, and I find art to be the perfect way of expressing myself.

Illustrations created for the first  MLB Assembly event, which took place during the 2018 Major League Baseball All-Star Week.  

2. How did you get started as an artist?

I started as a kid with drawing and painting, and even tried piano for a while. Then I went to university to study interior architecture, and with a lot of support and guidance from my partner, Andrei Robu, I ended up doing what I do today. That’s the short version, but it took a while to get here and figure out what I like and what makes me happy. It involved coming to terms with the fact that architecture is not my thing (for now at least) and going back to my more artistic roots.

3. Which of your projects best represents you, and why?

I’m constantly in a different headspace and love to think three steps ahead, and usually the next project is the most exciting one.

But a project that I really enjoyed working on was the Major League Baseball Assembly event from 2018. DMA United—the agency that I collaborated with—gave me complete freedom and trusted me with the entire image of the project, and we ended up creating some pretty crazy artwork and also reinterpreting MLB’s iconic logos.

Another project that I absolutely love and is completely different in terms of style is the first SEPHORiA: House of Beauty Event by Sephora [selected images shown below]. We developed the entire visual identity and concept for the most experiential event created by Sephora. Needless to say, it was a great success, and I’m happy to see how they continue developing and growing this amazing beauty event.

4. What’s your process for choosing how you’ll work with photos (choosing colors, textures, lettering styles, and so on) for your commissioned projects?

When working with clients, I really like a good brief, but I also love to come up with new stuff and usually do a bunch of explorations using the tools and colors that I feel work best or will help that specific brand communicate better. I’m usually very inspired by the photography itself and let it carry me away creatively—but I’m not conditioned by it, as a good part of my work has nothing to do with mixed-media or collage.

5. What are you excited about in your work these days?

I’m currently working on the first project where I was commissioned as a creative duo along with my partner, Andrei Robu, and we are both loving it. Usually we mostly do our own thing independently from each other, but this turned out to be a very nice experience that we would like to repeat in the future.

5 ¼. If you could meet any artist (in any discipline, living or dead) for a coffee or a beer and a chat, who would it be?

This is such a hard question to answer! I find Lana Del Rey’s music really helpful in overcoming any creative block, so I really owe her a coffee if she has the time.

5 ½. What book are you currently recommending to friends?

I’m currently reading The Laws of Human Nature by Robert Greene—if you’re a bit into psychology, it’s a nice read.

5 ¾. What’s the last thing that made you laugh?

Dogs. I’m a sucker for funny dogs.