"Residual" is an artistic motion graphics template (MOGRT) with five full-screen title animations and two editable text layers. You can use it in Adobe Premiere Pro to enhance presentations, slideshows, and of course videos. The MOGRT is free and copyright-free, and may be used on both personal and commercial projects. We only ask that you do not redistribute it.

1. Install MOGRT file: After downloading the template, launch Premiere Pro and create a new project file, if you aren't working in one already. Open the Essential Graphics panel (under Window menu) and click the icon for Install Motion Graphics Template at the bottom right of the panel. Navigate to the .mogrt file you downloaded and choose Open. You should see Residual template in the list of existing templates.
Note: If you don't see this template at the top of the list, search for "residual" using the search bar in the Essential Graphics Panel. If you see an icon that indicates missing fonts, right-click on the template and Sync Missing Fonts.

2. Add to project timeline: Create a new sequence (under File menu, submenu New). Drag the template from the Essential Graphics panel into the Timeline window.

3. Change tint and text: Select the template in the timeline to see all the editing options in the Essential Graphics Panel (panel switches to the Edit tab). Change tint by, for example, selecting the Blue Green Hues checkbox at the top, and you'll see the default pink orange hues switch to a cooler palette. Expand each slide to edit the heading and subheading text for your project.

4. Experiment with positioning: For each slide, you can change the X and Y co-ordinates for the main text, subheader text, and the artwork.

5. Experiment with speed and color: Because the template in your timeline acts as a regular clip, you can make speed changes and add effects as you would with any regular clip. Right-click on the clip and choose Speed/Duration. Increase or decrease the percentage here to make the title animation faster or slower. Use the Effect Controls panel to color correct the entire clip and create interesting versions.
Steve Ogden is a motion graphics director working in film, video and experiential media. A freelancer in the field for 15 years, and onboard with Adobe Studio for two, Steve O throws style out the window in favor of story, concept, relevance and rhythm. After Effects is his default toolset but with a passion for finding new ways to use it and to incorporate photographic, analog, and handcrafted techniques.