My name is Erica Larson. As a creative director at Adobe, I get to dream up inspired designs every day. I hope the stuff I make gets you dreaming too.
Mix backgrounds, textures, and photos to create a fun fashion collage. I’ll show you how to make selections and apply fill layers to create a cutout effect in Adobe Photoshop.
Before you start.
I provided some sample files you can use if you’d like, or practice with your own.
Step 1: Add texture.
To start the project, drag the foil texture image onto the red background. Of course, you can use whatever texture or background color you like. If necessary, drag a corner handle to resize it or hold the cursor just outside a corner handle and drag to rotate it. Press Enter or Return when you’re ready to place it.
Step 2: Isolate the subject.
Drag the image of the model on top of the foil texture. To separate the model from the original background, choose the Quick Selection tool and then click Select Subject. Once the marching ants appear, marking the selection, click Select and Mask.
Step 3: Fill the gaps.
Choose the Quick Select tool, set it to Subtract in the Select and Mask workspace, and paint over the unwanted areas of the background.
Step 4: See the finer details.
Painting with the Refine Edge brush in the Select and Mask workspace allows you to remove the background around the fuzzy areas on the edges of the model’s hair and sweater. Choose Output to Selection at the bottom of the Select and Mask Properties panel and then click OK.
Step 5: Separate the selection.
Click the Add Layer Mask button on the Layers panel to turn the selection of the model into a mask. This means you can modify it without affecting the original image.
Step 6: Make it accurate.
Before creating a stylistic shadow, right-click the layer mask and select Add Mask to Selection.
Step 7: Smooth the edges.
Choose the Smooth command and set the Sample Radius to 10 pixels.
Step 8: Apply a color.
Fill the selection by adding a Solid Color adjustment layer from the bottom of the Layers panel and selecting white from the Color Picker.
Step 9: Offset the shadow.
Use the Move (V) tool to offset the white selection. Drag the white fill layer down in the layer stack so it appears behind the model.
Step 10: Tidy around the edges.
After clicking the mask on the color fill layer, use the Brush (B) tool to paint with black over the areas of the drop shadow that need cleaning up.
Step 11: Cut it out.
To prep the cutout effect, select the model layer and then use the Quick Selection tool to brush over the body to select it.
Step 12: Make it seamless.
With the body selected, apply a Solid Color adjustment layer and use the Eyedropper tool to select the red behind the model so the new selection blends with the background. Finally, click the mask on the color fill layer, choose the Brush tool, set it to white, and brush along the edges to clean up the silhouette.
Create your own collage.
Find more textures and images to mix by accentuating the composition with selections and adjustment layers to create your own style.
Note: Project files included with this tutorial are for practice purposes only.