


While Rebekka Plattner is best known for photos of her cats, Lyo, Mila, and Ivy, she also enjoys human portraiture and is "really obsessed with macro photography," she says. "Photography in general is a dream job for me; I love everything about it."

We recently asked Plattner to share eight of her Adobe Lightroom presets, plus a few tips on shooting and editing pet photos.


Lightroom preset


Lightroom preset

Tip: Suit the lens to the situation.

Lyo is very active; that’s why I take him on walks and show him the world. He loves every single second we’re outside. I mostly use my 24-70mm f/2.8  lens when we’re on walks because I’m able to have the wider angle for the landscapes, as well. While at home, my favorite lenses are the 35mm f/1.4 and the 90mm f/2.8 for macros.

Tip: Try Tone Curve.

There are many Lightroom tools I couldn’t live without, but Tone Curve is where the magic happens. You can decide the mood of a photo in a few adjustments.


Lightroom preset


Lightroom preset

Tip: Editing is art, not science.

Play around with the tools and features and discover your own style. Photography and editing are art in my eyes, so there is no wrong or right. Sometimes I go through my photos without an idea on how to edit them, and sometimes I instantly know what the final result should look like. If you feel like you’re not getting anywhere with your current edit, just leave that photo for now. One day, you will come back to that photo and have the perfect idea.

Tip: Nobody's born with it.

Nobody is born knowing how to take or edit photos. Try out new things and don’t be discouraged when it doesn’t seem to go how you wanted or expected it to go. 


Do what you love. There will always be someone who doesn’t like what you’re doing and that’s okay. We all have individual tastes and that’s good because it would be super boring seeing the same photos and edits over and over again, right? So: Be creative! Let your mind lead you.


Lightroom preset


Lightroom preset

Tip: There is no "right light."

I don’t like to shoot around noon when the sun is right above your head because it creates a huge contrast. To create a moody look, I love taking photos when the sun is low in the morning and the evening, or on foggy days. But I know people who like to shoot around that time the most. It’s a personal preference.


Lightroom preset


Lightroom preset

Follow Rebekka on Lightroom to view more of her Discover edits.