It’s never been clearer that today’s creatives are more than one thing. You’re a designer, but you’re also an illustrator. You’re an art director and a client translator. You’re a product designer but also a copywriter but also a brand specialist but also an e-commerce marketer. You’re an artist, an author, and an influencer. Hey, it happens! There’s a lot expected of all of us, and we have the tools to do it all from anywhere.

The idea’s been developed. The client is on board. The resources are at your fingertips. Now it’s time to put your head down and really get into the craft: Hours of uninterrupted work, going from sketches to final designs, fleshing things out, and making things happen!!!!!!!!!!!!!

After finding the balance and creative exploration comes focus. For my third and final PDF kit with Adobe Acrobat, I’ve assembled a few activities that will help you lean into finding focus and sticking with it. (This series of kits is about breaking down my own process into stages. The first was Balance, and the second was Explore.)

If you’re me, focus is the hardest part. I struggle with pushing the distractions away and getting to that smooth place where you’re just in the zone and cruising through. It happens — I get there — but it’s not always as immediate as I’d hoped.

Sometimes the answer is to get the more tedious or boring tasks out of the way first. Sometimes the answer is to bribe yourself with tiny rewards (see my “chore chart” for more). Other times it’s just a matter of staring up at that #Inspirational poster above your desk and reminding yourself about the beauty and majesty of that humble bird, soaring through the air. Gliding on the winds of … wind. Not a care in the world as it cruises from point A to point B. We can be this bird.

Toolkit #3: Focus

The “Focus” toolkit is about finding ways to push through the distractions and staying focused. Identify the tasks, remove the barriers, and get to it! You’ve got this.

What's inside the kit:

Free Space Worksheet: If you can push through the distractions and negative self-talk, you can find a clear path through. Let go of the nonsense and find your free space.

Habit Tracker: Old habits die hard, but you’re not alone. Follow the path through the first three weeks — often the hardest part is just getting started.

Grown Up Chore Chart: Sure, accomplishment is its own reward, but you know what else is rewarding? Actual rewards. Push yourself to do the things you don’t want to do with stars or stickers (or star stickers).

Inspirational Posters: Nothing says “I am serious about my work” like an inspirational poster in your workspace! I’ve created one for you, and left you space to make your own. Write or draw whatever you need most in order to keep motivated and focused on your goal.

>> Download the kit now. <<


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For more from Adam and Adobe Document Cloud, follow @adamjk on Instagram

Adam J. Kurtz is an artist and author whose illustrative work is rooted in honesty, humor and a little darkness. His books, including 1 Page at a Time, have been translated into more than a dozen languages.