Daniel Castrillon is an illustrator and graphic designer in Barcelona, Spain. He participated in the 36 Days of Type project by designing an alphabet that mixes calligraphy with dimensional color.
Use Adobe Photoshop to customize the color and texture of Castrillon’s ampersand (&), and then add your own message to his unique character design.
Need help getting started? Check out these tips on how to add your own color and type to Castrillon’s ampersand symbol.
Color the noise.
White Noise and Color Noise adjustment layers give the letterform texture and color. Right-clicking each new layer and choosing Create Clipping Mask applies the changes to just the ampersand.
Change the color, or its intensity, by adding a Hue/Saturation layer and dragging the sliders to find a look you like. Apply the changes with a clipping mask.
Change your color.
The Solid Color fill layer sets the base design. Here it’s black. Double-click the swatch on the Ampersand layer to change the color. A subtle change to dark blue and some Hue/Saturation adjustments give the symbol a new look.
Make a statement.
Whether you want to inspire others or promote your brand, replace the type with your own.
In the Layers panel, expand the Text group, double-click the T icon for the layer you want to change, and type the new word along the path provided. Hide layers to show fewer words.
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