Jennet Liaw has an unmistakable style, on the screen and off. The Brooklyn-based designer and graphic artist often mashes up hand-drawn lettering and analog forms of art making, such as painting and drawing, with custom type and vector-based illustration, to forge a hybrid aesthetic that’s equally at home IRL and on the digital page.

A frequent collaborator of top sportswear brands including Nike, Adidas, and Puma, Liaw enjoys “toying with surface and scale, and delights in type-as-image,” and her prolific branding and product work has featured on apparel and streetwear, in murals and on building facades — and even on billboards in Times Square. As a designer at Universal Music Group, she’s also created merch for artists including Billie Eilish, Ariana Grande, and ShawnMendes.

In this Adobe Live session, Liaw walks us through her work and demonstrates how to create a graphic apparel collection using Illustrator on the iPad. “Historically, t-shirts have been such a carrier of important information, and also a sign of who you align with, what you belong to, and what message you want to send,” says Liaw. “It’s such a humble item, but it does so much.”

Check out some of Liaw’s previous projects, compiled on this page, for inspiration, and after you’ve watched the first part of her Adobe Live session, watch part two, below:

A designer equally well-versed in analog and digital forms of making, Liaw paints a mural, “Depth Over Distance,” at Adobe’s New York headquarters.

Liaw at work, painting a custom mural for PUMA Women.

Check out more from Jennet Liaw on Behance and Instagram.

See more inspiring articles about Illustrator on the iPad.