Tell us about your project “With Everything Going On…,” which you recently made in Adobe's Make it Workshop.
I made this earlier this year, in March, using Illustrator on the iPad. A bunch of us were invited to a one or two-day creative retreat, which was really fun, and as part of it, we broke up into small groups to discuss our individual ideas. While there was no real push to do a group project, we wanted to do something that was a bit collaborative around a shared prompt that one of my groupmates, Reyna Noriega, spearheaded around all of these email phrases that have been popping up.
There’s a new email etiquette of padding out greetings around this moment of pandemic, of civil unrest, and of every other instance of this year, including the election. We were coming up with a list of all the phrases, and “In these unprecedented times...” was one of them. I don’t know how many emails you’ve received with that one; I’ve gotten a ton. But “With everything going on…” was the one that really hit home for me — the word “everything” just blankets over the gravity of it all, and waters everything down. It obscures the hardships of these incidents, and the individual experiences of them. We over-consume so much news online, that it can be very numbing and overwhelming to really process it all. So I wanted to draw on that phrase, and figure out a way to highlight and give weight to some of those “everythings,” with the idea of using photography to show some of the things happening.