
We asked people to show us what inspiration means to them. Responses around the world put women in focus.


There is no single interpretation of unexpected, except that for everyone, it’s something different. 


No matter where kids are in the world, they’re always a reminder to find a moment to discover and play.


Adventure feels like a solitary pursuit, giving us a fresh perspective on the world.


Culture isn’t reserved for the big holidays. We experience it every day — both on the street and in our relationships to the people around us.


Even when we don’t see people, we feel their presence. That’s how we collectively define home. 


Across the world, kids, pets, and being outdoors spark endless joy.


Love is limitless. People perceive and capture it in many ways, whether romantic, platonic, or familial. 


We’re in the midst of big change that is shifting the way we think, engage, and even how we step outside.


Friendship creates the closeness and the comfort to be ourselves.


Growth is something we see on the outside and experience on the inside.


We connect when we see each other and in so doing, see ourselves. 

#LifeReflected | Credits

In order of appearance:


Inspiration: Jasmine Leeward (@jasmineleeward_), Tonya Lynch (@iamtjlynch), Alexandra Johnson (@girl.named.alex)

Unexpected: Tom Vega (@visionsdecisionsandrevisions), Mohsin Rasheed (@mohsinrasheed102), Asinor Oyoma (@_oyoma)

Childhood: Susanna Knyphausen (@bissau_bonito), Alexandra Johnson (@girl.named.alex), Noah Bealand (@nhblnd)

Adventure: Malcolm Jackson (@malcjax), Victor de Valles Ibañez (@victordevalles), Ania Telfer (@imaginania)

Culture: Stanley Denmark (@sdxii), Callie Bri Keels (@calliebri), Usman Abdullah (@usmanvcx)

Home: Brenda Myers (@bren_65), Fernando Parra (@fer__parra), Felix Zimmermann (@freshphylix)

Joy: Sean Josahi Brown (@seanjosahibrown), Jessie Ellis (@jessiellis1), Kris Torres (@krstrrs)

Love: Cameron Clarke (@_tripzy), Anna Hornby (@annahornby), Martin Fernandez (@martinnegrofernandez)

Change: Bryan Brock (@bryanbrock_), Brian Morales (@b.mor.focus.photography), Masato Kudo (@masato.kudo)

Friendship: Shubham Pawar (@cover_frames), Ana Linares (@ananewyork), Brenda Myers (@bren_65)

Growth: Susanna Knyphausen (@bissau_bonito), Amanda Rosenblatt (@sidewaysphotography), Felipe Torres (@feligrafia)

Life: Sophia Huda (@sophuda), Kazu (@_belle_graphics), Nichole Quinn (@nicholettat