Draw with shapes.

Open the sample file below in Illustrator to start practicing. Then watch the short tutorial video below to see all the steps.

Copy to files


Copy to files


Draw with shapes.

Watch the short tutorial video above to see all the steps, then sign in or get a free trial of Illustrator to download sample assets and start practicing.



Save the practice files and open them in Your Work tab in Illustrator on your iPad.

Try some of these techniques.

Draw a triangle.

Create the top part of an exclamation point with a triangle. Tap and hold the Shape tool to show the different shapes, choose the triangle, and then drag to draw.

Rotate and round the corners.

With the triangle still selected, drag the top handle to rotate it. To round the corners, drag the corner point inside the triangle.

Make your point.

Finish the exclamation point by drawing the circle. Select the circle from the Shape tool and drag to draw. You’ll know it’s a circle and not an ellipse when the magenta guide appears over it. Tap and hold the Nudge icon as you drag the circle into place.

Give it personality.

Deselect the circle you just drew, tap the Fill color, and choose a new color for the eyes. Draw a small circle and drag the Duplicate icon to make a copy and reposition it. Then drag with the Selection tool to select both circles and move them over the larger circle.

Finish with a smile.

Choose the Pencil tool and switch the Fill and Stroke so that only the stroke has a color. Maximize the Smoothing so you can draw smooth curved lines, and then draw a smile. Choose the Selection tool, tap the smile, and use the line width setting to change the stroke width.

Try more tutorials.

Explore the rest of our series on creating virtual backgrounds, featuring the work of Meg Lewis.

Meg Lewis

Meg is a designer, artist, performer, comedian, and educator working to make the world a happier place. She sees her bright, bold virtual backgrounds as an extension of her personality.

Meg Lewis

Meg is a designer, artist, performer, comedian, and educator working to make the world a happier place. She sees her bright, bold virtual backgrounds as an extension of her personality.

“I like to create virtual environments that feel like a better version of the world that we live in.” 

“I like to create virtual environments that feel like a better version of the world that we live in.”