Turn creativity into a side hustle.
Cash in on your passion.

Go step by step with four who made it happen.


Sarah Faith Ohta

Architectural design major Sarah is also exploring her talent for photography. She shoots fashion editorial photos, then transforms her work for an expressive twist. 

“I can save for rent, or textbooks, or if I want to go out for dinner.”

Sarah Eddeb

Sarah designs visual identity systems while earning her computer science degree. You’ll often find her sketching her next logo idea, inspired by everything from minimalist philosophy to vintage tiles. 

“I’m doing paid project after project after project. That’s a major win.”

Tiffany Weng

While studying at the renowned Rhode Island School of Design, Tiffany tapped into her inner child’s penchant for cartoons and stickers, adding serious craftsmanship to become a viral video star. People love to watch her draw as much as they love her drawings. 

“Put yourself out there — you’ll never believe what you get back from it.”

Aaron Rodriguez

Making money by following your dream? Film student Aaron already knew it was possible — his dad is a creative professional. Aaron serves a fast-growing commercial client base, even while he screens his groundbreaking dramatic work at festivals. 

“I’m using the money I generate to propel myself forward to the next thing.”