Adobe Photoshop

Focus on every generation.
Explore family photography with Katrina Williams.

Katrina Williams

Katrina Williams is a photographer based in Durham, North Carolina, who founded Fifty Two Hundred Photo + Film to help families celebrate the everyday moments in their lives.

Katrina Williams

Katrina Williams is a photographer based in Durham, North Carolina, who founded Fifty Two Hundred Photo + Film to help families celebrate the everyday moments in their lives.

“The camera allows me into spaces that I otherwise wouldn’t be invited. It opens me up to meeting different kinds of people and being a part of these special moments in their lives.”


See how Katrina transforms her images in Photoshop with these quick video tutorials.

“My love for photography has developed over the years as a therapeutic tool. In a sense, it’s helped me process what I’m going through.” 

Get inspired.


Katrina shares her tips for taking family photos that feel more natural.

Create a connection.

Katrina plans for a shoot by first having the family answer a detailed questionnaire about their history. “By the time I get to the session I feel like I know this family so well, I’ve already fallen in love with them. And that really helps to build trust.”

Make it fun.

Creating a natural composition is easier when families have something tangible to do or talk about. “If it’s feeling awkward, just have them walk, or jump, or move positions. I love to incorporate music in my sessions. I’ll ask the family what kind of music they like and create a playlist for them.”

Meet them on their level.

When working with children, Katrina says it’s important to play along with them. “Shooting at a child’s eye level will allow your photo to be framed at their perspective — I think this angle helps to portray that sense of wonder they have about the world.”

Get more tips for capturing family portraits.