How to illustrate almost anything in Adobe Photoshop.

Explore a huge array of brushes to achieve any artistic style in Adobe Photoshop, from watercolors and oils to charcoal, pastels, ink, and more.


How to illustrate almost anything in Adobe Photoshop.

Explore a huge array of brushes to achieve any artistic style in Adobe Photoshop, from watercolors and oils to charcoal, pastels, ink, and more.


Note: Project files included with this tutorial are for practice purposes only.

Choose from dry to wet media, hard to soft edges, halftones, crosshatches, markers, and special effects that spatter, spray, and mimic real-life application on paper or canvas. With more than a thousand brushes available for download, you can let your creativity flow as you paint and draw in Photoshop.

Take some new tools for a spin.

Expand your brush collection.

From the Brush panel options, choose Get More Brushes and download any (or all) of the sets that interest you. Then open the .abr file in Photoshop to automatically add them to your Brushes panel.

Dive in.

Grab one of your new brushes and create some bold strokes of color. Go for a hand-drawn look with charcoal or pastels. From watercolors to oils to manga-inspired inks, follow your inspiration.

Enhance your art with layers.

Create a collage effect by adding elements on different layers. Then play with the order in the Layers panel to achieve the look you want.

Artwork: Ricky Linn. A visual designer and artist in Los Angeles, California, Ricky is working hard to provide a great life for his cats.