Adobe Photoshop

Play with a blur effect.

Show off a subject on the move. Watch the short video above with Katrina Williams and follow the steps to try it for yourself.



Get the source files.

Make it smart.

Start by right-clicking the Photo layer and choosing Convert to Smart Object.

Spin it around.

Choose Filter > Blur Gallery > Spin Blur. Click and drag the outer circle of the blur area so that it covers the entire image. Reduce the Blur Angle to create a more subtle effect, and press Enter on your keyboard when you’re done.

Reveal the details.

Click the Smart Filter layer mask. Choose a large, soft brush and set the color to black. Brush over the focal point of the image where you want to hide the blur effect.

Double up.

Press Control+J (Windows) or Command+J (macOS) to duplicate the Photo layer. Double-click the Blur Gallery filter on the Photo copy layer. Uncheck Spin Blur and enable Field Blur.

Soften the look.

Reduce the opacity of the duplicate layer to soften the appearance of the first Spin Blur effect.

Try more tutorials.

See more tips from Katrina Williams for editing family photos.

Katrina Williams

Katrina Williams is a photographer based in Durham, North Carolina, who founded Fifty Two Hundred Photo + Film to help families celebrate the everyday moments in their lives. Learn more

Katrina Williams

Katrina Williams is a photographer based in Durham, North Carolina, who founded Fifty Two Hundred Photo + Film to help families celebrate the everyday moments in their lives. Learn more

“The camera allows me into spaces that I otherwise wouldn’t be invited. It opens me up to meeting different kinds of people and being a part of these special moments in their lives.”