
Open Camila’s Illustrator file to try her drawing techniques.


Camila Rosa is an illustrator and visual artist based in São Paulo, Brazil. Her style is powerful, bold, and filled with strong shapes and colors. She loves to work with paints and brushes as well as digital drawing apps. After she shows you the amazing view from her studio, see how Camila draws organic shapes with the Pencil tool in Adobe Illustrator.

Meet Camila.

See her perfect space.

Smooth things out.

Camila uses the Pencil tool to draw flowing, organic shapes. She goes over the paths with the Smooth Tool to soften any rough edges or points before filling the shape with a solid color.

Tip: Double-click the Pencil Tool and enable “Option or Alt key toggles to Smooth Tool”. Then, as you draw with the Pencil tool, hold Alt (Windows) or Option (macOS) to switch to the Smooth Tool.

Give it a go.

Try out Camila’s drawing technique by downloading the practice file at the top of this page.

“I draw inspiration from literally everything — books, movies, music, women in general, and my political views.”

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