Adobe Premiere Pro

Make beauty shots sparkle.



Learn how by following our interactive tutorial inside Premiere Pro.



Want more? Get started with Michelle’s sample assets in this Adobe Creative Cloud Library.

This file is made for desktop use. Share the link to access the files later.

Dabble in color with presets.

Presets are like filters on steroids. In the Creative section of the Lumetri Color panel, find a look that resonates with you. (Michelle likes SL Blue Day4Nite.) Click to apply it and then subtly adjust the look’s intensity and vibrance.

Remove the color to reveal highlights and shadows.

Follow Michelle’s technique for finessing your color. In the Basic Correction section of the Lumetri Color panel, decrease the saturation to zero. Increase the highlights, shadows, and contrast a little or a lot — depending on the final look you’re going for.

Bring back the color.

Now restore the saturation to see the color. In the Curves section of the Lumetri Color panel, make two points in the RGB Curves and move them slightly until you like what you see. Color is so personal; there’s no right or wrong way. Get super creative in the Hue vs. Hue curve. (You can even turn skin blue!)

More tutorials in this series.

Explore the rest of our series on video editing featuring the work of Michelle Phan.



Want more? We’ve got a whole series of designer-led tutorials for you.

Check it out ›

Michelle Phan


Michelle Phan is a digital pioneer. She is a Forbes “30 Under 30” alum, award-winning digital creator, and a trailblazer for the passion economy.

Michelle Phan


Michelle Phan is a digital pioneer. She is a Forbes “30 Under 30” alum, award-winning digital creator, and a trailblazer for the passion economy.

“The camera allows me into spaces that I otherwise wouldn’t be invited. It opens me up to meeting different kinds of people and being a part of these special moments in their lives.”

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