Note: Project files included with this tutorial are for practice purposes only.

Gabriela Sánchez creates editorial and audiovisual art as a graphic designer in Montevideo, Uruguay. With a passion for contemporary dance, her work often explores movement of the body and its representation in images.

Need help getting started? Check out these tips on how to use and customize Sánchez’s collage template and make it your own.

Take a good look.

Start by exploring Sánchez’s perfectly organized file. In the Layers panel, you can make her bright, cheery color palette visible for easy access as you work.


Toggle the various layers off and on by clicking the eye icon. Notice the subtle differences you can achieve with color shifts and textures that imitate the tooth, or feel, of a page.

How does it feel?

Sánchez selected the Multiply blending mode for the scanned page layer and set Opacity to 30%. In the image to the left, the area above and to the right of the diagonal shows what happens if you increase Opacity. Adjust the blending mode and Opacity for the level of texture you like.

Customize color and more.

You can change the color of the ladybug and other elements in the collage. In the corners layer group, find the bug layer and click fx to see that Sánchez applied a Color Overlay effect.


Double-click Color Overlay to open the Layer Style dialog box, and then click the color chip to use the Color Picker. Follow the same steps to change other Color Overlays in the collage.


If you’re feeling adventurous, click the eye icon next to the woman layer group to hide it, and then add your own image to the center of your collage.