

Jasmin Chavez is a graphic designer and visual artist in Singapore. She doesn’t attach her work to a particular style or aesthetic, although she often incorporates typography, textures, and bright colors (especially hot pink) in her creations. See how Jasmin combines adjustment layers to create her art with a single brush in Adobe Photoshop.

Get to know Jasmin.

Welcome to Jasmin’s 24/7 studio space.

Prepare to paint.

Jasmin keeps her files streamlined by working within Smart Objects. In her poster file, double-click the KOOL layer thumbnail to get started.

Brush your own style.

Hide “Jasmin’s Lettering” group, then click “drawing layer.” Grab a brush and start painting! The effect works best with highly textured brushes and varying opacity.


Jasmin used Kyle’s Real Watercolor brush with a pressure-sensitive tablet for her lettering. You can download the Watercolor brush pack, then double-click the .ABR file, with Photoshop open, to add it to your Brushes panel (Window > Brushes). Or, choose Import Brushes from the Brushes panel flyout menu.

“I like to think that my work comes really close to eye candy.”