“I’m drawn to rich colors in my work, and my free Lightroom presets showcase that,” Meg says. “I love to keep skin tones warm, and my colors earthy and vibrant at the same time. My greens are often deep and cool, my yellows are warm and desaturated, and my reds and blues rich and colorful. My presets tend to add a lot of depth and contrast to images as well. To create a more painterly look, I love to finish a photo by slightly reducing the dynamic range and lowering the highlights just a little.”
They say “never work with children or animals,” but Meg lives for the unpredictability of toddlers and their furry friends. “I never know what they’re going to throw at me,” she says. “I may have an idea in mind but ultimately my children, especially my toddler, are going to drive the shoot. I’ve often found that whatever my children end up doing while I photograph them tends to be better than my original idea anyway. This is one of the reasons I love to shoot with longer focal length lenses outside. I love to give my children space and try not to control the environment too much when I photograph them.”
It’s how she captures her children doing the things she loved to do, building forts and playing baseball. “It brings me so much joy,” she says. “That sort of nostalgia is the reason why I pick up my camera every day.”
See more on Instagram.