
Clear the view.

Grab the Healing brush, adjust its size, and drag over the distracting elements. Tap the checkmark when you’re done.

Choose your spot.

Select a new Masking brush and drag over the areas you want to edit. Use the sliders to adjust the Feather and Flow to fine-tune your selection as you brush. If you selected too much, tap minus and brush over the areas you want to leave untouched.

Soften the scene.

Adjust the settings in the Effects panel to add the illusion of movement and create an artful glow. Tap the checkmark when you’re done. Then tap the Share icon at the top to export your finished image to your Camera Roll so it’s ready to post on social.


See how Kohki enhances and plays with light in these quick Lightroom tutorials.


Kohki Yamaguchi

Tokyo-based photographer and content creator Kohki Yamaguchi sees photography as a way to exercise his curiosity and connect with the world around him. He was a Lightroom Ambassador and is the founder of the go-to photography account for everything Tokyo, @DiscoverTokyo.