

If you create posters or branding, the key to impressing clients and finding new ones is showcasing your work. Mockups allow you to visualize your designs in the real world and see how your poster might look on a billboard, in a magazine, or on the side of a bus. “It’s like this ‘aha’ magical moment when you see your design in real life,” says designer Andrea Kaiser. “Then you, as a designer, start believing that it’s real.” Together with Álvaro and Alberto Rodriguez, they form Bendito Mockups, a studio that creates original, eye-catching templates. They created a pack of ten free mockups for you to download.


Follow the steps to learn how to use them.

STEP 1/2

Add your art.

Open the Layer folder then double click the Smart Object thumbnail in the layer named “YOUR DESIGN HERE.” A new window will open. Drag and drop your art onto the template, then save the file to update the main design.

STEP 2/2

Change the colors.

You can adjust the color of the stapler, or other elements in the Bendito pack. Just open the Layer folder named “STAPLER COLOR” and double click “Hue/Saturation 2.” Use the sliders to adjust the color to compliment your art.

Download all ten mockups in high-resolution.


The Bendito Mockups team comprises Andrea Kaiser, Álvaro and Alberto Rodriguez, a team of designers based in Granada, Southern Spain. As part of Al Alimón Studio, Bendito Mockups started as a way to supply quality mockups to show off its branding work. “We fell in love with the idea of creating unorthodox mockups that could help us with our projects,” they say. “And we hope they help you too.”


See more on Instagram.