
From Instagram influencers to small local businesses, people everywhere are harnessing the power of creative tools and social media to design not just brands and businesses, but also deeply satisfying careers. In the Making explores the practical challenges and surprising rewards of this new approach to working that combines creativity, community, and business.

From Instagram influencers to small local businesses, people everywhere are harnessing the power of creative tools and social media to design not just brands and businesses, but also deeply satisfying careers. In the Making explores the practical challenges and surprising rewards of this new approach to working that combines creativity, community, and business.

Episode Guide

Episodes, published every other week, feature inspiring and insightful conversations with content creators, solopreneurs, and small business owners.


Teresa Au is an executive driving customer empathy and community advocacy at Adobe. Her career path spans diverse creative fields, from New York City's fashion industry to San Francisco's architecture and tech sectors.


Teresa has always been fascinated by working with distinctive design and the interesting people behind it. On creating In the Making, Teresa says “I was compelled to highlight and amplify the incredible personal stories of the talented and unique humans I’ve met online, on social or in person all of whom fit into the creator economy somehow. After all, everyone is born creative.”

Teresa is also an iPEC-trained coach to a limited number of creative clients. She serves on the board of directors of City Youth Now, supporting San Francisco’s most vulnerable children. Catch her on her adventures exploring the Bay Area with her son and their dog Willow.

In the Making is produced by Chrysanthe Tenentes and Teresa Au, with Lisa Campbell. This season is supported by the new all-in-one Adobe Express and Adobe Creative Cloud.