As a creator, sometimes you can be your own worst enemy! Perfectionism, negative self-talk, and fear block the creative process and keep you from doing your best work. Teresa Au speaks to writer and illustrator Misha Blaise, author of the books This Phenomenal Life and Breathe Deep, for guidance on how to keep perfectionism at bay. Misha shares how an unexpected crash course in the fundamentals of breathing helped her learn to control her nervous system and create a space for creativity. Misha’s practical advice for shifting your attitude, making room for play, and tapping into the power of your breath can help you access your most creative self.
What you’ll hear on this episode:
Misha’s unconventional career path and the Chicago arts scene
Who designs the wall art sold in big box stores?
Misha’s transition to writing books and finding an agent and publisher
A hybrid workflow, combining painting and Adobe Photoshop
Rainn Wilson says Misha’s books are filled with wonder and curiosity
A family health crisis leads to an unexpected deep dive on breathing
The problem with mouthbreathing and how to overcome it
Why the breath is so fascinating
How breathing is the key to your nervous system
Breath as a symbol
The connection between breathing and creativity
How “fight or flight” mode physically affects the body
Why it’s impossible to create and play in “fight or flight” mode
The importance of play for adults
A guided breathing exercise: The Physiological Sigh
Teresa and Misha bond over the burden of perfectionism
“Regular” perfectionism vs. moral perfectionism
How breath and nervous system work can help in troubling times
Why perfectionist energy is at odds with creativity
Redefining success in your career
What it felt like to go viral, and will it happen again?
The advantages of having a smaller online following
How Misha is thinking about AI in her workflow
Misha’s One Word for 2023
Misha Blaise (@mishablaise) is an author-illustrator of several books related to the theme of our interconnection with the universe. Her book This Phenomenal Life which was translated into six languages and was a bestseller in China. She served as a jury member for the 2017 Golden Pinwheel Young Illustrators Competition in Shanghai and her work can be seen on the walls of the acclaimed Austin Central Public Library. She lives in Northwest Arkansas.
Teresa Au (@tautastic) is an executive for community engagement at Adobe. Her career spans diverse creative fields, primarily in New York’s fashion industry, as well as architecture firms, and now Silicon Valley tech companies. She has always prized working with distinctive design and the interesting people behind it–from designer Elie Tahari to start-up CEOs.
See the full list of episodes from this season of In the Making.