Export the series.
In Adobe Photoshop, choose File > Export > Layers to Files and specify the destination for the exported files. Set the File Type to JPEG and click Run.
Pro tip: To use your own images, name them in sequential order with numbers at the end of the filename starting at 001. Then choose File > Scripts > Load Files into Stack, and browse to the folder with the images. Set your canvas size to match the aspect ratio you’ll use to create the animation in Adobe Premiere Pro. We used 1080x1920 to post on social media.
Import as a sequence.
In Premiere Pro, you can choose how to work with the images you want to animate. To include multiple images in a sequence, you can edit as one and import the images you exported from Photoshop. Select the first image in the folder, click Show Options, select Image Sequence, and click Import. Then drag the sequence to the timeline.
Nest a sequence.
You can also nest multiple images, video clips, and other sequences into a single sequence that you can edit all at once. To do this, import the assets and drag them to the timeline. Then drag with the Selection tool to select the assets you want to include, right-click, choose Nest, and name the sequence.
Adjust the speed.
Press the spacebar to preview the stop-motion animation. Right-click the sequence and choose Speed/Duration. Speed up or slow down the animation. Preview and then adjust the clip speed to your liking.
Export and share.
Choose File > Export > Media and enter the settings appropriate for your project. The H.264 at 1080x1920 aspect ratio works well for an Instagram post.
“Adobe programs are the backbone of this business because they support every single asset that comes across this desk….We could not function without Photoshop and Premiere Pro.”
Salt Paper Studio is the passion project of co-owners Courtney Swift-Copeland and Justin Copeland. Together with their talented team, they produce food, product, and lifestyle imagery for clients of all sizes.