STEP 1/4
Import a graphic.
Place your own graphic (File > Place Embedded), or click the small box next to the Boogie Graphic layer to use the one in the practice file.
Right-click on the graphic layer and choose Convert to Smart Object. This will allow you to warp it in the next step.
STEP 2/4
Fit the folds.
Choose Edit > Transform > Warp and drag the handles to adjust the graphic to match the movement of the tee. Change the layer Opacity to blend it with the texture of the fabric.
STEP 3/4
Make it look real.
Click the Layer Mask icon to add a mask to the graphic layer. With the mask thumbnail selected, choose a soft round black brush with a low opacity. Then brush along the shirt’s movement to create a realistic lighting effect.
Pro tip: Use the [ ] keys on your keyboard to adjust the brush size as you work.
STEP 4/4
Swap backgrounds.
In the Backgrounds layer group, double-click the color swatch to experiment with different colors. Or try new textures by turning on and off other background layers.
Yucca Fins is a premium fin brand for everyone, inspired by ’60s surf culture and rooted in creativity, community, and simply having fun. It grew from founder Sean Starky’s obsession with bodysurfing at the mutant wave in Newport Beach, California, known as the Wedge.
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Explore more ways to build your brand with Photoshop.