Add a film grain look to artwork.

with Nol Honig


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Nol shares this quick tip for applying noise to his artwork.

Bring on the noise.

Add a new layer to the top of the Layers panel (Window > Layers) and double-click the label to rename it. Then choose Edit > Fill and set the Contents to 50% Gray.

Give it a vintage look.

Choose Filter > Noise > Add Noise and adjust the settings to your liking. To replicate Nol’s style, set the Amount to 8%, check Uniform and Monochromatic, and click OK.


From the Blend Mode dropdown menu above the layers, change Normal to Overlay to apply transparency while preserving the grain effect.

See the difference.

Toggle the Noise layer on and off by clicking the eye icon next to it to view the before and after results of applying a noise texture.


Nol Honig is a director, designer, animator, and educator who has worked with Coca-Cola and MTV, served as lead motion designer for Barack Obama’s 2012 presidential campaign, and created an After Effects class for School of Motion. He currently teaches in continuing education at The Cooper Union.

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