Teresa Au chats with artist and designer Kelli Anderson on all things transformation, from Kelli’s paper engineering work that turns paper into a record or a camera to the shifting revenue streams she’s embraced over her career.
Her passion for fusing the digital and the analog, her commitment to process, and her delight in sharing what she’s learned will inspire you to run with your own half-baked ideas.
What you’ll hear on this episode:
How Kelli creates animation with the Risograph machine
Why writing about you work can lead you to your next project
Kelli’s take on the difference between being an artist and a designer
The joys of connecting with people via Instagram, Patreon, and even the mailbox
Pricing creative work
The benefits of teaching
Instagram strategies
The feeling that Kelli is always chasing
Tell us a little bit about yourself, so we know who we're serving and what you're looking for from In the Making.
Kelli Anderson is an artist, designer, animator, and tinkerer who pushes the limits of ordinary materials by seeking out possibilities hidden in plain view. Her books and projects have included This Book Is a Planetarium (which houses a tiny planetarium and other scientific contraptions), a book that transforms into a pinhole camera called This Book Is a Camera, and a working paper record. Intentionally lo-fi, she believes that humble materials can make the complexity and magic of our world accessible.
Teresa Au is an executive for community engagement at Adobe, where she focuses on empowering creatives and students via workshops, panels, and podcasts. On creating In the Making, Teresa says “I knew I wanted to amplify the incredible personal stories of the talented and unique humans I’ve been meeting online and at our Create Now events across the world.”
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See the full list of episodes from this season of In the Making.