Look At This Photograph! | Motion Design Hotline


The motion design hotline is taking you on an infite loop with a clever bit of compositing. Using footage from your phone and a little tracking in After Effets you too can go on an infinite vacation like Kyle! Start by framing up a photograph or frame anywhere, and end your camera move looking at the composition that will become… the image you started on! The end result is a seamless, endless loop perfect for a montage even if it’s just using one clip. Use footage of your own, or download Kyle’s vacation video and try it out for yourself today!

Join the Adobe Live Discord: https://discord.gg/p48UBK3nX2

Kyle Hamrick is a freelance motion designer based in Kansas City: https://kylehamrick.com/

Evan Abrams is a freelance motion designer based in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada: https://www.behance.net/ECAbrams | https://www.instagram.com/ecabrams

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Music by Chillhop Music: https://chillhop.ffm.to/creatorcred

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San Jose, CA
Adobe Live
San Jose, CA