
2 min

Use Creative Cloud Libraries in post-production

Learn how to use Creative Cloud Libraries to organize, reuse, and share creative assets in your post-production workflow.

What are Creative Cloud Libraries?

Creative Cloud Libraries is a capability of Creative Cloud that allows you to easily organize, reuse and share your creative assets across multiple products in your post-production workflow. Learn how motion graphic artists and video editors can confidently share and use the same project elements, such as logos and graphics, across multiple desktop and mobile applications.


Add and reuse assets from CC Libraries

Use Libraries to add and reuse the same assets across multiple desktop products. Add graphics from Photoshop and Illustrator into a library and access the same library in other desktop apps, such as After Effects and Premiere Pro.

To begin, open the Libraries panel in After Effects or Premiere Pro by choosing Window > Libraries.

Then drag and drop assets and graphics into your Project panel to use them in your motion graphic projects.


Add Adobe Stock assets to CC Libraries

Browse Adobe Stock for royalty-free stock images and automatically add them to your libraries. Click the Adobe Stock icon in the CC Libraries panel to launch the Adobe Stock website in a separate browser.

When you've found the right asset, you can download a watermarked image to try out in your project, or purchase a full-resolution licensed asset.

To license a full-resolution asset, click License & Save to [Library name].

To download a watermarked asset, click Save Preview to [Library name].

Tip: You can license a watermarked image from your Libraries panel by right-clicking its thumbail and then selecting License Image.

The asset is instantly available to use from the Libraries panel. Drag and drop the image into your sequence or Project panel to use it in your project.

To purchase a licensed version of your watermarked image without leaving your desktop application, first select the image in the Libraries panel and then right-click and choose License Image...


Add assets to CC Libraries with mobile apps

When color inspiration strikes, capture the moment by creating a look in Hue CC — now available as the Looks panel in Capture . Sync the looks to a library and they are immediately available in Premiere Pro or Premiere Clip to color grade your video clips.

Open the Libraries panel in Premiere Pro to see the looks captured with Hue.

To apply a look, drag it from the Libraries panel onto a clip in the Sequence.

Open the Lumetri Color panel to see that the Look has been applied in the Creative section. Refine the color correction using the options in the panel.

Looks created in Hue can also be used to color grade your mobile video clips in Premiere Clip. First, open a video project in Premiere Clip and tap the Finishing Touches icon.

Then, tap to change the look from 'Normal' to one of the Looks in your library. Click back to watch your film clips with the new look applied.


Share CC Libraries with others

Collaborate and Share Link are two options for sharing libraries.

Collaborate sends an invite to recipients who will be able to add, edit, and remove assets from the library. Open the Libraries panel in one of the desktop apps and choose Collaborate... from the flyout menu. A separate browser will open and prompt you to invite collaborators. Enter email addresses and choose Invite.

Use Share Link to allow recipients to view or save a copy of your library. Your library will not be affected by any changes made to the copies you share.

Open the Libraries panel and choose Share Link... A separate browser will open and prompt you to make your library public for sharing. Click Create Public Link to show additional sharing options.

Click Advanced Options to allow or prevent downloads of your Library.

Then copy and paste the Public Link or enter e-mail addresses for the recipients and click Send Link.


Tom Alex Buch

June 15, 2015