Creative Cloud
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The Art of the Trace: Turn a selfie into a line drawing.
Abrir Photoshop
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Dibuja ilustraciones dinámicas con Iván Pineros.
Cómo crear un retrato de estilo cómic
Cómo delinear un dibujo
Bringing an Illustration into Focus
How to Make an Illustrated Photo
Guía práctica
Cómo ilustrar casi cualquier cosa en Adobe Photoshop.
Crea un autorretrato minimalista con Sacrée Frangine.
The Joy of Sketching: An Homage to Bob Ross
Turn Photos into Line Drawings with a Difference
Draw, paint, and create with Adobe Fresco.
For the Love of Drawing
Make It on Mobile: Andreas Preis’s Colorful Creatures
Monika Jurczyk's favorite feature: the Shape tool.
Cómo crear un collage con retratos en Adobe Photoshop.
LIght Painting Portraits
App Hopper: Transforma primeros planos en un colorido collage con texturas.
How to create an animated selfie
Give Photos a Painterly Look Using Mobile Apps
Diseño gráfico
For Here or To-Go: Creating Bold Illustrative Work Wherever You Are
Vector Drawing on the Go
Here, free, now: Everything you need to make an 80s-inspired cut-out collage.
Convierte una foto en un pincel semejante a un sello en Adobe Photoshop
Calca una imagen con Jared Tuttle.
Activos gratuitos
Draw on a photo to create a unique virtual background.
Design with loopy lines on your virtual backgrounds.
Trace and color type for virtual backgrounds.
Draw shadows and highlights for virtual backgrounds.
Draw with shapes to create a virtual background.
Date un descanso creativo con estos sencillos ejercicios de Kelly Knaga para Adobe Illustrator