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Trends in Editorial Photography
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Capturing the future with Emily Keegin.
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What Photo Editors Want: Tips for Editorial Photographers
Better Branding Through Photography
A Certain Joie de Vivre: The Pinup Style of Photographer Eve Saint-Ramon
Women Photographers on Instagram
(Mostly) Black and White Photographers to Follow on Instagram
What Art Directors Want: Tips for Editorial Illustrators
5 Illustration Trends for 2017
Looking Back to Look Forward: Illustration Styles of the Past 30 Years
Trend: Collage Art
Illustrator Tavis Coburn: Making the Old New Again
Diseño gráfico
Taking It to the Streets: Photographer Aundre Larrow
Magazine makers, movers and shakers.
Adventure Is Everywhere: Photographer Julia Nimke
Past and Future Heroes: Creating Graphics for PRINT Magazine’s Regional Awards
BUST Magazine at 25: You’ve Come a Long Way, Baby
Obtener ideas
Q&A: Designer Francesco Franchi
Q&A: Photographer Delphine Diallo
Q&A: Photographer Todd Hido
Q&A: Art Director Rob Vargas
Q&A: Photographer Sarah Waiswa
Guía práctica
Creating Portraits and Caricatures with Jason Seiler
Getting into Photo Composition
Digital Design Trends to Watch in 2018
Las mejores imágenes de 2020.
Escucha: cómo crear una portada de podcast atractiva.
Step into the future of layout design.
The New Americans: A Photographic Exploration
Activos gratuitos
Imágenes bajo las condiciones de la vida con Christopher Reid.
Amaal Said is photographing the present for the future.
Recursos para profesionales
Creative portfolios 101: Illustration.
Capturing the future with Emily Keegin.