Designer Royale: Graphic Design Mini Games | Live from San Francisco on February 27th


9AM PST - Designer Royale: Build a Brand in an Hour

Join Andrew Hochradel and VooDoo Val as they compete to create a brand from scratch in just one hour! Hang out, share your ideas, and watch the process unfold in real time!

10AM PST - Designer Royale: Design Detective

Join Andrew Hochradel and VooDoo Val as they compete to create a brand from scratch in just one hour! Hang out, share your ideas, and watch the process unfold in real time!

11AM PST - Designer Royale: Design Detective

Jess Goldsmith and Andrew Hochradel are solving a design mystery! Each of them will create a “design escape room” for their competitor by dropping pieces of a past project into a folder—no context, no explanations. The other will have to analyze the clues, piece things together, and try to recreate the final design.

12PM PST - Designer Royale: Character Creation

Illustrators Tyler Pate and VooDoo Val go head-to-head in a character design battle—with a twist! Their challenge? Bring an inanimate object to life. Watch as they turn everyday items into unique, personality-filled characters in real time.

1PM PST - Designer Royale: Poster Creation

Jess Goldsmith and Tyler Pate are going head-to-head in a poster design showdown! The catch? They don’t get to choose what they’re designing—the other person picks the product or item for them. Watch as they create bold, eye-catching designs in real time.

Andrew Hochradel is a freelance brand identity designer based in Southern California.

VooDoo Val is a Creative Streamer & Community Moderator for Adobe Live based in Sacramento: |

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Music by Chillhop Music:

00:00 Start

1:30 Today’s project

6:15 Branding type with Andrew

17:08 Logo tips

27:14 Blending tool tip

29:00 Creating a menu

31:00 Working in Adobe Express with Val

46:45 Adding animation in Adobe Express

1:01:05 Who is Jess?

1:01:30 Today’s project

1:12:00 Jess’ favorite tools

1:32:15 What is a meter limit

1:34:35 Star tool tips

1:45:00 Adding animation in Adobe Express

1:46:40 Reveal

1:49:57 Appearance panel graphic style

2:01:34 Tyler’s introduction, Val and Tyler’s sketches

2:04:26 Their Process going from sketch to illustration

2:09:30 Being your own worst critic, Tyler blocking in color

2:12:52 Val color and shading, how to improve

2:17:53 Tyler refining and adding face, redefining success, hoarding old work

2:24:04 Val and Tyler past streams, Val adding melting details, Tyler and Val’s plan for their illustrations

2:29:57 Taking on projects before you feel ready, Tyler using guides to create neapolitan ice cream

2:33:10 Val deciding on character and ice cream style, Tyler adding details to cookie

2:40:32 Art inspirations, Val planning out cookie details and skeleton

2:47:45 Skull details, moving cookie down to being held

2:51:31 Tyler final details, drippy face and ice cream, Color palette tips

3:01:25 Sketches and project overview, starting to illustrate over sketch

3:06:22 Tyler process for building jar and plan

3:08:16 Jess’ process and plan

3:11:51 Tyler choosing pug character sketches, illustrating over sketch

3:18:46 Jess adding dimension with gradients, creating toothpaste lines

3:24:42 Tyler choosing color, working on cream, Jess working glitter

3:30:21 Both adding type, and Jess adding tooth character

3:36:09 Tyler placing text on jar and adding speech bubbles to fill out composition

3:40:42 Jess filling out composition, adding speech bubbles and text

3:46:37 Art styles and inspiration Jess and tyler are interested in, Jess working on second illustration

01:12 Overview for today, teaching with Adobe Express statistics

05:32 Adobe Express UI overview and quick actions

08:50 Creating and working with classrooms

Adobe Live
San Jose, CA

Vises i direktesendingen

Tyler Pate

Andrew Hochradel

VooDoo Val

Jess Goldsmith

Verktøy og ressurser

Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Fresco

Adobe Live
San Jose, CA

Vises i direktesendingen

Tyler Pate

Andrew Hochradel

VooDoo Val

Jess Goldsmith

Verktøy og ressurser

Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Fresco