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Pump up your lettering in 3D with Adobe Illustrator.
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Przewodnik • Projektowanie grafiki
Explore what you can do with Adobe Illustrator.
Wyświetl więcej
How to add 3D effects to lettering in Adobe Illustrator.
Create wobbly and 3D text for your virtual background.
Free typographic art.
Make It in a Minute: 3D Lettering in Illustrator
How to Make Spray-Painted Type in Adobe Photoshop
Projektowanie grafiki
How to make textured 3D text in Adobe Illustrator.
Create 3D chrome effects using any brush in Photoshop.
Mix and match fonts with finesse in Adobe Photoshop.
How-To: Lettering Love
Give your letterforms a stretch in Adobe Illustrator.
Make colorful lettering.
Make animated lettering with Mat Voyce.
Shape-shift your letterforms in Adobe Illustrator.
How to draw colorful, high-impact lettering.
Turn a design into a 3D logo in Adobe Illustrator.
How to draw custom hand lettering with Adobe Fresco
Bezpłatne zasoby
Free letterform design template.
Free embossing and stamping templates.
Free handmade letterforms.
Free chrome effects.
Logos in a flash: Six free personal branding templates.
Explore the creative range of typography.
The future of typography.
Creativity, Explained. An introduction to typography.
From Wood to Print to Pixels
Sergi Delgado creates his own rules for typography.
How To Design a Typeface: Mark Simonson’s Process