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Best of Behance: Luke Choice
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Make It on Mobile: Character Design by Luke Choice
Best of Behance: Shaivalini Kumar
Best of Behance: Muokkaa Studio
Best of Behance: Ben the Illustrator
Scott Balmer’s Bold Illustrations
Best of Behance: Tim Tadder
Best of Behance: June 2014
Best of Behance: Maximilian Motel
The best imagery of 2020.
Best of Behance: Elizaveta Porodina
Design gráfico
Best of Behance: Jonny Wan
Best of Behance: Vasjen Katro
Best of Behance: Taiyo Yamamoto
The Community Winners of the Take 10: Weightless Challenge
Stefan Sagmeister’s Top 5
Best of Behance: Studio BBG
The Always Curious Martin Woodtli
Aaron Draplin’s Top Five
Hard to Forget: The Making of the Jason Seiler Cover
Charlie Davis transforms the ordinary.
Tenha ideias
Q&A: Artist and Illustrator Jon Burgerman
What do you do, Lo Harris?
Best of Behance: Chris Phillips
Best of Behance: Louis Mallart
Catching Up with 2014 ADAA Winner Peter Clark
Slate of Hand
Best of Behance: DIA Studio