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Free happy hour preset for Lightroom.
Abrir o Lightroom
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Predefinição grátis de sol do meio-dia para o Lightroom.
Estilize em instantes com predefinições com Alex Lau.
Lightroom premium portrait presets.
Free Adobe Lightroom Presets and tips for portrait photography.
Free Adobe Lightroom Presets for All Occasions
5 free Hollywood movie presets for Lightroom.
Make beauty shots sparkle.
Encante por meio das cores com Fanny Texier.
Make food colors pop.
Ativos gratuitos
Lightroom Preset Pack for Explorers
Free Adobe Lightroom Presets and Tips for Indoor Portrait Photography
Photo Preset Pack Giveaway
Free Adobe Lightroom Presets and Tips for Food Photography
Bring flowers into focus with two free Lightroom presets.
Como fazer
Como escolher a predefinição certa no Lightroom.
Dream with Louis Dazy in Adobe Photoshop Lightroom.
Heighten a mood in Lightroom with Jonathan Bertin.
How to Enhance Street Photography with Lightroom
Change a photo’s mood with Paolo Emanuele Barretta.
Design gráfico
Efeitos de cromo gratuitos.
Pacote de colagem grunge gratuito para o Photoshop.
New hue: Four color palette hacks to jumpstart your designs.
The elegant calm of photographer Anna Cor.
Crie seu próprio fundo virtual de aniversário.
Photoshop Young Blood: 25 Under 25