Creative Cloud
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Em destaque
Make beauty shots sparkle.
Abrir o Premiere Pro
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Veja mais
Encante por meio das cores com Fanny Texier.
Create a dreamy look.
Change colors.
Make food colors pop.
Create beautiful makeup videos with Michelle Phan.
Add a glow to dimly lit scenes.
Experiment with photos with Lydie Bonhomme.
Bring more colour into your world.
Change a photo’s mood with Paolo Emanuele Barretta.
Let your subject shine.
Como fazer
Add pro titles and captions.
Aprimore seu estilo de vídeo com Fanny Texier.
Destaque suas fotos de comida com edições fáceis com Alex Lau.
Deixe as cores mais vibrantes com Vanessa Martin.
Crie o brilho do entardecer com Katrina Williams.
Learn. Grow. Let's go. - Photography
The elegant calm of photographer Anna Cor.
Ativos gratuitos
Free Adobe Lightroom Presets and tips for portrait photography.
5 free Hollywood movie presets for Lightroom.
Free Adobe Lightroom presets and tips for nature photography.
Free happy hour preset for Lightroom.
Design gráfico
Five ways to build a color palette.
How to select and use colors.