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Adobe Premiere Pro Travel Contest
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Adobe Lightroom Contest
Adobe Lightroom Holiday Contest
The Community Winners of the Take 10: Make a Masterpiece Edition
Photo Playlist.
Photos Frozen in Time
Make a mini-vlog in Adobe Premiere Pro.
Sundance Voices
Be Kind Challenge Winner
Everything Everywhere All At Once Made in Premiere Pro.
Pocket Films.
Grafisk design
Celebrate Disney and Pixar’s new film with the Art and Soul challenge.
Insider Tips on Applying to the Adobe Creative Residency Program
Adobe Creative Residency
Tony Hawk Skate Jam Design Challenge
Adobe Creative Residents: A Look Back at the First Two Years
Så här gör du
Make It Impactful: Premiere Pro Video Tips
How to Edit and Share a Video in Adobe Premiere Pro
Creative selfie filmmaking.
Video playlist.
Create a portal transition in Adobe Premiere Pro.
On the road with filmmaker Dan Cowles.
Around the World in a Music Video
Summer Shorts: 14 Short Sci-Fi Films
Do You Dream In Layers? Explore the Photoshop Twenty-Fifth Anniversary Video Layer By Layer
The Community Winners of the Take 10: Weightless Challenge
Learn. Grow. Let's go. - Filmmaking - With Ben Marriott
PlaceFingerHere Challenge
Video Challenge: #endofinstagram
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Live from Adobe MAX London with Rachel Sale and Margot Bowman.