Designer Royale: Graphic Design Mini Games | Live from San Francisco on February 27th


9AM PST - Designer Royale: Build a Brand in an Hour

Join Andrew Hochradel and VooDoo Val as they compete to create a brand from scratch in just one hour! Hang out, share your ideas, and watch the process unfold in real time!

10AM PST - Designer Royale: Design Detective

Join Andrew Hochradel and VooDoo Val as they compete to create a brand from scratch in just one hour! Hang out, share your ideas, and watch the process unfold in real time!

11AM PST - Designer Royale: Design Detective

Jess Goldsmith and Andrew Hochradel are solving a design mystery! Each of them will create a “design escape room” for their competitor by dropping pieces of a past project into a folder—no context, no explanations. The other will have to analyze the clues, piece things together, and try to recreate the final design.

12PM PST - Designer Royale: Character Creation

Illustrators Tyler Pate and VooDoo Val go head-to-head in a character design battle—with a twist! Their challenge? Bring an inanimate object to life. Watch as they turn everyday items into unique, personality-filled characters in real time.

1PM PST - Designer Royale: Poster Creation

Jess Goldsmith and Tyler Pate are going head-to-head in a poster design showdown! The catch? They don’t get to choose what they’re designing—the other person picks the product or item for them. Watch as they create bold, eye-catching designs in real time.

Andrew Hochradel is a freelance brand identity designer based in Southern California.

VooDoo Val is a Creative Streamer & Community Moderator for Adobe Live based in Sacramento: |

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Music by Chillhop Music:

00:00 Start

1:30 Today’s project

6:15 Branding type with Andrew

17:08 Logo tips

27:14 Blending tool tip

29:00 Creating a menu

31:00 Working in Adobe Express with Val

46:45 Adding animation in Adobe Express

1:01:05 Who is Jess?

1:01:30 Today’s project

1:12:00 Jess’ favorite tools

1:32:15 What is a meter limit

1:34:35 Star tool tips

1:45:00 Adding animation in Adobe Express

1:46:40 Reveal

1:49:57 Appearance panel graphic style

2:01:34 Tyler’s introduction, Val and Tyler’s sketches

2:04:26 Their Process going from sketch to illustration

2:09:30 Being your own worst critic, Tyler blocking in color

2:12:52 Val color and shading, how to improve

2:17:53 Tyler refining and adding face, redefining success, hoarding old work

2:24:04 Val and Tyler past streams, Val adding melting details, Tyler and Val’s plan for their illustrations

2:29:57 Taking on projects before you feel ready, Tyler using guides to create neapolitan ice cream

2:33:10 Val deciding on character and ice cream style, Tyler adding details to cookie

2:40:32 Art inspirations, Val planning out cookie details and skeleton

2:47:45 Skull details, moving cookie down to being held

2:51:31 Tyler final details, drippy face and ice cream, Color palette tips

3:01:25 Sketches and project overview, starting to illustrate over sketch

3:06:22 Tyler process for building jar and plan

3:08:16 Jess’ process and plan

3:11:51 Tyler choosing pug character sketches, illustrating over sketch

3:18:46 Jess adding dimension with gradients, creating toothpaste lines

3:24:42 Tyler choosing color, working on cream, Jess working glitter

3:30:21 Both adding type, and Jess adding tooth character

3:36:09 Tyler placing text on jar and adding speech bubbles to fill out composition

3:40:42 Jess filling out composition, adding speech bubbles and text

3:46:37 Art styles and inspiration Jess and tyler are interested in, Jess working on second illustration

01:12 Overview for today, teaching with Adobe Express statistics

05:32 Adobe Express UI overview and quick actions

08:50 Creating and working with classrooms

Adobe Live
San Jose, CA

Akışta öne çıkanlar

Tyler Pate

Andrew Hochradel

VooDoo Val

Jess Goldsmith

Araçlar ve Kaynaklar

Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Fresco

Adobe Live
San Jose, CA

Akışta öne çıkanlar

Tyler Pate

Andrew Hochradel

VooDoo Val

Jess Goldsmith

Araçlar ve Kaynaklar

Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Fresco